5.3.2 Directory tree for separation matrix of GHDSS

The directory tree of a separation matrix file is as follows. Note that a name ends with / means a directory.

transferFunction/ --- whatisthis.txt
                   |- microphone.xml
                   |- source.xml
                   |- localization/ --- (empty)
                   |- separation/   --- tf00000.mat
                                     |- tf00001.mat ...

The root directory is transferFunciton (though this file is not transfer function.) whatisthis.txt represents what the file is. In this case, the content of the file is separation matrix. microphone.xml represents positions of the microphone array used for the file. source.xml represents positions of transfer function measurement.

The separation matrix of GHDSS is stored in separation/ directory. The format of each file name is tf%05d.mat, i.e., "tf", a number with 5 digits, and ".mat". The number corresponds to the source ID. localization/ is always empty.